Vitamins and Minerals for your Immune System


Vitamin C is an essential antioxidant and contributes to healthy immune system functioning especially during and after intense physical stress.

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Immune Support Vitamins

Nappi Code: 3003229001

Bar Code: 6009880503131


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Vitamins to help the Immune System.

Vitamin D contributes to normal cell division and healthy immune system functioning by mediating the immune system’s response to infection and enhancing the antimicrobial effects of immune cells needed to fight viruses and bacteria. Regular sun exposure is the most natural way to get enough Vitamin D. However, you should avoid prolonged sun exposure because UVB rays also cause sunburns and photodamage, increasing the risk of skin cancer.  

Low levels of Vitamin D have also been associated with a greater risk of developing respiratory conditions in adults and children. 

VIRAVANCE is an immune support supplement that contains a unique combination of immune support vitamins and minerals such as with Vitamin C, Vitamin D3, Selenium, Zinc, Active Folate, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B6, and Active Vitamin B12 with added L-Lysine, to assist in general good health.  

Vitamin C and Immune System 

Vitamin C also called Ascorbic Acid, is an essential antioxidant and contributes to healthy immune system functioning, especially during and after intense physical stress. Vitamin C helps prevent infections and fight disease. 

Vitamin C is vital for the health of white blood cells that help fight infections. Vitamin C is  well-known for being one of the best vitamins for the immune system 

Fruits and vegetables are the best food sources of Vitamin C. Eating a variety of these healthy foods can help you meet your daily requirements. Citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruit as well as strawberries and cranberries are rich in Vitamin C. 

The body does not store Vitamin C, so you need to source this nutrient daily from your diet. Vitamin C is water soluble, and any excess leaves the body in urine. Vitamin C supplementation is a convenient way to increase your Vitamin C intake especially when you start to feel sick and need a quick boost. 

VIRAVANCE is an immune support supplement that contains a unique combination of immune support vitamins and minerals such as with Vitamin C, Vitamin D3, Selenium, Zinc, Active Folate, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B6, and Active Vitamin B12 with added L-Lysine, to assist in general good health. 

Frequently asked Questions

Fever Blisters otherwise known as Cold Sores are common viral infections. They present as small, fluid-filled blisters on and around the lips which are often grouped together in clusters. Once you have been infected, the virus lies dormant within the nerve cells and when the virus becomes active, it travels to the skin surface and multiplies, causing an outbreak. When the blisters burst, a scab and crust forms over it that can last several days. Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 is usually the culprit that causes Fever Blisters around the mouth and lips. Fever Blisters often present when a person is “run down”, or when their immune system is suppressed. They usually heal within two to three weeks without leaving a scar. 


The L-Lysine in VIRAVANCE is an Essential Amino Acid, which together with Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, Active Vitamin B12, Active Folate and Zinc helps to maintain Oral health and assist in the management of Fever Blisters and other mouth ailments caused by nutrient deficiencies.  

VIRAVANCE is an immune supplement that contains a unique combination of immune support vitamins and minerals. While there is no cure for Cold Sores, there are vitamins and minerals that can help to prevent Cold Sores. VIRAVANCE contains Cold Sore vitamins and minerals that can help manage the outbreaks such as: 


  1. L-lysine is an essential amino acid that may help shorten the duration of a Cold Sore. It assists with the inhibition of the amino acid Arginine that is responsible for promoting the growth of Cold Sores.
  2. Zinc is an essential mineral that can assist with wound healing which may be beneficial in an outbreak of Cold Sores. Zinc is also known to help with immune system functioning. 
  3. Vitamin C is an antioxidant and plays an essential role in collagen synthesis, maintaining skin and epithelial barriers as well as assisting with increasing white blood cell functioning.  
  4. Vitamin D3 contributes to normal cell division and healthy immune system functioning by mediating the immune system’s response to the Herpes Simplex Virus Type-1 infection and enhancing the antimicrobial effects of the immune cells needed to fight the viruses.

VIRAVANCE is an immune supplement that contains a unique combination of immune support vitamins and minerals. While there is no cure for Cold Sores, there are vitamins and minerals that can help to prevent Cold Sores. VIRAVANCE contains “Cold Sore vitamins and minerals” that can help manage the outbreaks such as: 


  1. L-lysine is an essential amino acid that may help shorten the duration of a Cold Sore. It assists with the inhibition of the amino acid Arginine that is responsible for promoting the growth of Cold Sores.
  2. Zinc is an essential mineral that can assist with wound healing which may be beneficial in an outbreak of Cold Sores. Zinc is also known to help with immune system functioning. 
  3. Vitamin C is an antioxidant and plays an essential role in collagen synthesis, maintaining skin and epithelial barriers as well as assisting with increasing white blood cell functioning.  
  4. Vitamin D3 contributes to normal cell division and healthy immune system functioning by mediating the immune system’s response to the Herpes Simplex Virus Type-1 infection and enhancing the antimicrobial effects of the immune cells needed to fight the viruses.

Lip Blisters otherwise known as Cold Sores are common viral infections. They present as small, fluid-filled blisters on and around the lips which are often grouped together in clusters. Once you have been infected, the virus lies dormant within the nerve cells and when the virus becomes active, it travels to the skin surface and multiplies, causing an outbreak. When the blisters burst, a scab and crust forms over it that can last several days. Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 is usually the culprit that causes Lip Blisters around the mouth and lips. Fever Blisters often present when a person is “run down”, or when their immune system is suppressed. They usually heal within two to three weeks without leaving a scar. 


The L-Lysine in VIRAVANCE, an immune supplement, is an Essential Amino Acid, which together with Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, Active Vitamin B12, Active Folate and Zinc helps to maintain Oral health and assist in the management and prevention of Lip Blisters and other mouth ailments caused by nutrient deficiencies. 

The L-Lysine in VIRAVANCE, an immune supplement, is an Essential Amino Acid, which together with Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, Active Vitamin B12, Active Folate and Zinc helps to maintain Oral health and assist in the management and prevention of Fever Blisters and other mouth ailments caused by nutrient deficiencies. 

VIRAVANCE is an immune supplement that contains a unique combination of immune support vitamins and minerals. While there is no cure for Fever Blisters, there are vitamins and minerals that can help to prevent Fever Blisters. VIRAVANCE contains “Fever Blister vitamins and minerals” that can help manage the outbreaks such as: 


  1. L-lysine is an essential amino acid that may help shorten the duration of a Fever Blister. It assists with the inhibition of the amino acid Arginine that is responsible for promoting the growth of Fever Blisters.
  2. Zinc is an essential mineral that can assist with wound healing which may be beneficial in an outbreak of Fever Blisters. Zinc is also known to help with immune system functioning. 
  3. Vitamin C is an antioxidant and plays an essential role in collagen synthesis, maintaining skin and epithelial barriers as well as assisting with increasing white blood cell functioning.  
  4. Vitamin D3 contributes to normal cell division and healthy immune system functioning by mediating the immune system’s response to the Herpes Simplex Virus Type-1 infection and enhancing the antimicrobial effects of the immune cells needed to fight the viruses.

Vitamins and nutrients to help Cold Cores are: 

  1. L-lysine is an essential amino acid that may help shorten the duration of a Cold Sore. It assists with the inhibition of the amino acid Arginine that is responsible for promoting the growth of Cold Sores.
  2. Zinc is an essential mineral that can assist with wound healing which may be beneficial in an outbreak of Fever Blisters. Zinc is also known to help with immune system functioning. 
  3. Vitamin C is an antioxidant and plays an essential role in collagen synthesis, maintaining skin and epithelial barriers as well as assisting with increasing white blood cell functioning.  
  4. Vitamin D3 contributes to normal cell division and healthy immune system functioning by mediating the immune system’s response to the Herpes Simplex Virus Type-1 infection and enhancing the antimicrobial effects of the immune cells needed to fight the viruses.

VIRAVANCE is an immune supplement that contains L-Lysine, Zinc, Vitamin C and Vitamin D3 to help Cold Sores. 

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