Calcium Supplements

What is the best form of Calcium Supplements to take?

Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the human body. Every cell in the bones, heart, muscles, and nervous system needs Calcium to function properly. Calcium in supplements is available as Calcium Salts. Each Calcium Salt differs in the amount of elemental Calcium it provides. Calcium Salts can also differ in how well they are absorbed, how they taste, and how easily they dissolve in water.

Calcium Carbonate has the highest amount of elemental Calcium. Elemental Calcium is important as this is the actual amount of Calcium that the supplement can provide and what the body gets to use. Calcium Carbonate requires an acidic environment to properly dissolve and should be taken with a meal so that the Hydrochloric Acid (HCL) in the stomach can assist in its breakdown. Calcium Carbonate is often the choice of Calcium Salt over other salts due to its widespread availability, low price, and extensive medical research. It also contains 40% elemental Calcium, the highest of any Calcium Salt. Only people with low stomach acid due to gut problems or those who take medications for acid reflux (Histamine-2 blockers and proton-pump inhibitors) should consider taking another form of Calcium Salt like Calcium Citrate. Calcium Citrate only contains 21% of elemental calcium, less than Calcium Carbonate.

Stellar Mama contains 500 mg of Calcium.

Preggy-Mama contains 250 mg of Calcium 

Opti-CAL contains 500 mg Calcium.

Flexi-CAL contains 500 mg of Calcium.

Repleni-MAG contains 75 mg Calcium.

Easy sleep 40winx contain 80 mg of Calcium.

Things to look for in the Best Calcium Supplement

Calcium Carbonate has the highest amount of elemental Calcium. Elemental Calcium is important as this is the actual amount of Calcium that the supplement can provide and what the body gets to use. Calcium Carbonate requires an acidic environment to properly dissolve and should be taken with a meal so that the Hydrochloric Acid (HCL) in the stomach can assist in its breakdown. Calcium Carbonate is often the choice of Calcium Salt over other salts due to its widespread availability, low price, and extensive medical research. It also contains 40% elemental Calcium, the highest of any Calcium Salt.

Only people with low stomach acid due to gut problems or those who take medications for acid reflux (Histamine-2 Blockers and Proton-Pump Inhibitors) should consider taking another form of Calcium Salt like Calcium Citrate. Calcium Citrate only contains 21% of elemental Calcium, less than Calcium Carbonate. Other minerals and vitamins to look out for in your Calcium supplement are Vitamin D3 (to aid in Calcium absorption), Magnesium (to activate Vitamin D), Vitamin K2 (to prevent arterial calcification) and Type 1 Hydrolysed Collagen (to aid in Bone Flexibility).

What to Look for in Calcium Tablets

When looking for Calcium tablets, consider what type of Calcium compound is used. There are three commonly used types. Calcium Carbonate, Calcium Citrate, and Calcium Gluconate. The main difference between them is their elemental value. This is simply the true amount of the mineral, in this case Calcium, your body can absorb and use from the compound. Calcium Carbonate has a higher elemental value (40%) than Calcium Citrate (21%) and Calcium Gluconate (9%).  

Also, when looking for Calcium tablets, consider the other micronutrients that should come with it.

  • Vitamin D3 – essential in maximizing Calcium absorption.
  • Magnesium – needed to help activate Vitamin D3.
  • Vitamin K2 – needed to ensure that the Calcium is used in your bones and helps prevent arterial calcification.
  • Type 1 Hydrolysed Collagen – together with Calcium is essential for bone flexibility.

These micronutrients work together to ensure that there is maximum Calcium absorption to help build healthy, strong, and flexible bones.

In summary, when looking for Calcium tablets consider,
What Calcium compound is used. Keeping in mind that Calcium Carbonate has a higher elemental value.
Does it have Magnesium?
Does it have Vitamin D3?
Does it have Vitamin K2?
Does it have Type 1 Hydrolysed Collagen?

Both nutritional supplements Opti-CAL and Flexi-CAL contain Calcium tablets that contain the combination of Calcium, Magnesium, Vitamin D3, Vitamin K2 and Type 1 Hydrolysed Collagen for strong and flexible bones.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What does Calcium do for the body? 

Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the human body. Every cell in the bones, heart, muscles, and nervous system needs Calcium to function properly.

What are symptoms of lack of Calcium?  

Symptoms of a lack of Calcium are fatigue, muscle cramps and spasms, Osteoporosis, dry skin, and possible bone-related injuries.

Is Vitamin D the same as Calcium? 

No, Vitamin D is not the same as Calcium. Vitamin D is a vitamin whereas Calcium is a mineral. Calcium needs Vitamin D to be absorbed by the body. 

When should I take Calcium Supplements day or night? 

Calcium Supplements can be taken any time of the day with a meal, however taking it at night has the advantage of Calcium assisting in sleeping.

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